27 Apr Faster Client Approvals by Pitching With Adobe’s Dimension
So what is Dimension?
Let’s begin this blog post by getting this disclaimer in: This is not a ‘how to’ or ‘tutorial’ on Adobe Dimension. So if you’re looking for that, you’re reading the wrong post my friend! We want to simply illustrate how incorporating this relatively new, and easy to use software, has changed the way we pitch our designs to our clients. And so far, the results have been incredible, we’re getting project approvals quicker than ever before. Dimension is truly the fastest way to bring our packaging designs to life in 3D.

What does Dimension do?
This App is a game changer. Dimension has enabled us to quickly produce 3D mockups of cigar pouches, sampler packs, boxes and cigar bands – as a result, we’ve been able to pitch our concepts to our clients in a realistic manner. This has helped tremendously because we find many of our clients to have a mental block when it comes to visualizing final products – and we don’t blame them, vector art is flat!
All of our packaging projects are created using the industry standard and vector based software called Adobe Illustrator. And within the program, we deal with different dielines, templates and die cuts. Artwork within Illustrator tends to be flat looking though, folds are highlighted by dotted marks and of course cigar band artwork is not curved, but you guessed it, it’s FLAT!
Why does implementing this App matter?
Dimension has has reduced the amount of time we have to explain and “sell” our designs. Now we can be more of a creative partner and less of a salesman. Dimension has bridged the gap between our creatives and decision makers. Now nothing gets lost in translation – we can pitch with clarity. Plus we have the certainty that we’re all looking at the same realistic mockup and ultimately be on the same page as far as revisions as we work towards final artwork.
A picture is truly worth a thousand words. Dimension brings that element of visualization to the table, which our clients really love. These 3D mockups are something we now push for in every project. We have sure benefitted from the speedy approval process of our packaging projects.
To wrap things up, many designs flaws are just not caught when viewing flat 2D images, so go ahead and jump into 3D renderings. Get a feel for what your packaging will eventually look like 360 degrees all around. So if you’re reading this, don’t let your next packaging project get lost in translation, get Dimension, or any other 3D software into the fold.
Subscribe to our YouTube Channel for more content as it relates to Cigar Package Design: https://www.youtube.com/cigarpackagedesign
➽ Purchase Adobe® Dimension Software here: https://amzn.to/3dGmmkn
This blog post is NOT sponsored: Adobe Systems is in no way affiliated with this website and is not sponsoring this content in any way. This is an unsolicited mention/recommendation done entirely on my own accord. Some product links are affiliate links which mean if you buy something we’ll receive a small commission.
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